
Day 5: Miami FL to Tampa FL

A quick sprint today from Miami to Tampa. There was a danger that we would have to go a long way round as there were some big fires apparently along the road we were planning on taking, although by the morning these warnings had disappeared. We left Miami in reasonable weather; a little muggy but not raining, although it was threatening.
From 2007 USA Elises

An hour or so later and the threat level was increased from guarded to high.
From 2007 USA Elises

Then we encountered a storm that would have had Noah scurrying anxiously to his workshop, wood plane in hand.
From 2007 USA Elises

The Elises performed well in this weather even at decent cruising speeds, although I had no idea where we were or what was around us. I saw these supports at one point and inferred that we were on a bridge of some sort.
From 2007 USA Elises

Back to those fires; we saw no real evidence ourselves apart from some roadsigns warning of smoke and occasionally we could smell the remains of a fire. We were also hoping to visit a gator farm but they were apparently not on the route we took.

Tonight we are relaxing in the motel, then tomorrow we are off to Panama City.


Unknown said...

wow very cool pictures! i love weather like that- not driving in it though. i miss the sight of heavy soaked palm trees. (sigh)

Aloha Nui Loa,


Unknown said...

HEY! Where are the pictures of you in your swimsuit?! I MISS the belly!! Maybe just one of you on the beach with your laptop attached to your hips? Hmmmm... (lick lick paw paw)

